Ms. Becky Oehlers from PTI was one of our instructors!! She's so COOL! Her projects were awesome...they included one of Lauren's Timeless Templates (Take Note) and 3 cards to fill it! She also brought us all a FREE Autumn Abundance set! That was extra nice, considering it's one of the PTI sets I don't already own but always wanted :) I have to admit, I am a slooooooooow papercrafter (my High School art teacher said that was due to the fact that I am a perfectionist...I think she hit on something :)...and I definitely did not finish my projects in class :( BUT, I WILL finish...and share some day. LOL
In the meantime, here's a card I DID finish using the free set:
...and here's a picture of me with Ms. Becky herself:
Notice it doesn't APPEAR that I used all of the colors, but I DID!! I promise. Mind you I used Copics to color my image and I have a VERY limited supply, but I used Pale Sepia for my orange (it's a stretch, I know), and Mustard for my yellow (another stretch, but same family)...overall I focused on my absolute favorite colors from the combination and ran with it. I also added green for my leaves (lots of cheating on this card, huh?) LOL
Okay, just a quick post tonight, but I hope to be back mid-week with more eye candy!
Oh, and please don't forget about the JUGS charitable challenge for the Andersons!! We haven't had a huge response but are soooo hoping we'll get a better turn out this week. Only $3 to purchase the cute digi image Katie Cotton of Paper Makeup Stamps designed of sweet Henry the Snow Angel Fairy and all proceeds go to his family. If you are not famliar with using digital images, check out the instructions (linked below) over at PCS who also have a digi image for sale in honor of Henry! Giraffe & Monkey.
Okay, I'm really finished now :O) Thanks for stopping by!

Oh my gosh girl - that BOW is to die for - can I send you all my bows to tie??? This card is stunning in its simplicity yet your vase looks REAL! Great coloring job - limited copics or not!
Cheater, cheater, cheater! LOL NO, just KIDDING!!! This card is a beauty, girl! That ribbon is stunning, and LOVE the paper you used!!!
This is sooooo pretty! Hope you get a chance to submit it to Scrapbook Trends Cards blog - they're looking for beautiful bows this week!
Looks to me like you "stretched" the colors perfectly, Kristin!! I love your card!! And I'll be sure to tell Tammy that you are NOT a cheater!! Thanks for playing with us again this week!!
Hey, I'm gonna case this for my mum's thank you card (as I'm expecting a lot of pressies from her *wink*)! Love it!
Beautiful card Kristin! Looks like a nice vase of Mums! I didn't know the word cheating was in the paper crafting industry - I think one would say you are very creative!!! :) Great job with the color challenge - it was a bugger this week for me! LOL
Beautiful card, Kristin! Love how you used those Copics to hit all the colors! You care very creative!
Hi, KRISTIN! CONGRATULATIONS! The CTD gals LOVED your work! {You Rock!}
Wow! This is gorgeous! I especially love that bow! And I love seeing all your awesome pictures from Philly! Wish I could have been there with you guys!
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