Good morning! I'm so excited to share my template challenge this week :O) I couldn't get Lauren's awesome templates out of my head for the past two weeks! Probably because of the challenge, but seriously, I drew sketches and took notes on the three templates I'm showing today while I was sitting at work. Mind you, I should have been looking over our money or contracts, but I was sketching on scrap paper! I took those sketches home and this is what I created:
Flower Pen Holder
Paper Clip Dispenser
Notepad File Box
Paper Clip Dispenser
Notepad File Box
I created this set for a friend at work who has a birthday coming up :O) Both the Flower Pen Holder and the Paper Clip Dispenser use the "For Keepsake" template. I printed the template scaled to "multiple pages per sheet" at 2 per page with a horizontal configuration for my Paper Clip Dispenser. This shrunk the template to approximately a third of the normal size.
While I was sitting at work thinking of these baskets I wanted to make, certain Longaberger baskets on my desk were my inspiration (for the pen and paper clip containers). I thought I could easily figure out how to make a paper clip dispenser based on the design of the Longaberger Paper Clip Basket. Wouldn't you know, I came home tonight and finally put it together...and my "vision" worked like a charm!!

I feel like anyone who likes to craft has made flower pens I kept the lids on my pens because I don't want them marking up the inside of my holder. Another option would be to line the inside with acetate. Then if the pens marked it, you could wipe it off.

Originally I was planning on laying the Notepad File Box on it's back to make it look like an in/outbox (mini) but I liked it so much when I stood it up, I left it alone. I wanted a cute way for my friend to display her notepads on her desk and thought this design was perfect! You'll notice I didn't modify the notepads we use at work to match the basket. This was on purpose to show what it will truly look like at work. We go through these things pretty quickly. Didn't this one turn out cute? I really did like it when all was said and done! I hope my friend isn't reading my blog this week... If she is, I guess it won't be a surprise :)
I really hope you get to play along today! The My Timeless Templates were soooo easy to use!! They're listed for $5 on Papertrey Ink, but they also have two free templates that you can use. Both of them are adorable! Part of the challenge of using a template today was to create a birthday gift and use the color purple or a butterfly.
If you upload to an online gallery, be sure to use the keyword MTTC02 (no space). I can't wait to see what you come up with!! Be sure to check out the My Time to Create Design Team's projects also! The sneak peeks are intriguing :O)
Okay, that's all I have for now! Be sure to post your creations to Mr. Linky on Lauren's blog so we can check out your projects! Have a great weekend :O)
GREAT gift set girl!
Woo Hoo - You have been one busy bee and doing the DT forum too? Kristin - do you ever sleep??? Ok Since I'm second I can use all the great adjectives - this set is awesome, amazing, beautiful, creative, darling, stunning and brilliant! TFS the deets on the paper clip holder - so clever :-)
You are a genius!
I never would have though about making these templates smaller for other uses. this is a GORGEOUS desk set, and I am sure anyone would be happy to receive this.
OMGosh, Kristin! This is AWESOME! The paper clip holder is so clever! Your friend will love it!
Kristin, i love love love the colors you used here, and the patterned paper matches perfectly with the color of the cardstock; besides, I love pink :)
Great job pal !!!
THis is really neat Kristin. I like how you reduced its size for the paper clips. I'm sure your friend will love this. Have a great weekend. We're off to the hospital to get platelets!
Absolutely beautiful...so well-thought out and put together. You did Lauren proud, I'd say.
Wow! I'm blown away by how you used Lauren's template!! Amazingly clever and Oh, So Very Pretty!!!
Great desk set idea, and I love the creative way you did the paperclip holder!
HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is over the top girl! Im beyond in love. You are genius :D Look at all the time you put into it. WOW! Can I be your office mate?! Im in awe
Kristen, Kristen, Kristen! You have been a busy bee! I love that you went all crazy with template plans and made them come to life. Everything is gorgeous and your office mate is a lucky girl. Keep the creative daydreaming going...it looks SO great on ya!
What a gorgeous set! Well thought out design!
Very cute bedside table container! Love the colors and detail. I also love the paper clip holder that you made. Terrific!!!!!!
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