Yes, tag...like when we ran around the playground as kids...only now we're surfing the net :O)
Tagging Game Rules:
1. Link your tagger and list the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog some random, some weird
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
4. Let them know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
My Tagger:
I have been tagged by a sweet young lady, Heather, who I made the acquaintance of recently through sharing projects and blog comments :O) She's sooo sweet! Truly!! She is open, genuine, and friendly and she makes adorable cards! Please check out her blog at Heather's Heavinly Stampations and give her some warm fuzzies!
7 Facts:
1. I've been in the Air Force for 15 years!
2. I've only been married for 2 years (yes, first husband :O)
3. I have 5 brothers and 5 sisters
4. I own well over 100 Longaberger baskets (pathetic, huh?) LOL
5. I lived in Hawaii for 6 years, Cocoa Beach for 5, and England for 2
6. I am a proud mother to a beautiful, 14 year old daughter - Tia
7. My best friend is also named "Kristin", her son was born the same month/day/year as my daughter, we were both single moms in the same career field in the Air Force when we gave birth...yet we lived across the world from each other and didn't meet until our babies were 18 months old :O) Now that's a small world!
7 People:
I'm such a novice on the blogging circuit...I can't even imagine someone following MY blog :O) So, selecting from that list is out. I decided to select 7 blogs that I frequent when I'm looking for some mindless, creative inspiration.